
Dan Oliver - Autobiography

First, I am 75 years of age married (second marriage). I have four grown children, ten grandchildren and a great grandson. My wife, Chloe, has three children, 8 grand children, and also a great grandson. So our nest is full. We both retired some years ago, but stay active with family and friends. 

Following six years with Uncle Sam in the USAF in the sixties, I became a technical writer, creating operators, service and programming manuals for the high-tech industry in the Williamette valley. Bored with retirement, I accepted part time employment as a weight room attendant for the Vancouver Firstenburg Community Center. Of course I sing my music whenever and wherever invited; both gospel music and music of all genres from the fifties and sixties.  

I am blessed with vitality that only the Father of all can bestow. I have been through life’s schools—not so much in academia, but the schools of life, secular and spiritual. I have been a Christian as long as I can remember, but was locked in religion for most of that time; working hard to make something of myself for our Heavenly Father and His Christ. But then grace came, and I began to understand love—and as it grew, it became LOVE TRANSCENDENT. A knowing based on the pure, uninterpreted Word of God—that He had done it all. In that knowing I knew that my works were dead, and I began a love affair with My Lord and Savior. 

This love bloomed into music, which I began writing in my late fifties. I have been a reasonable singer all my life, having been raised on the country music of the fifties and sixties, and have played guitar and harmonica since the age of eight. I have always enjoyed the old gospel music; country, southern, blue grass; you know, simple gospel songs that sing of love grace, and glory. But alas, as I grew in knowing LOVE TRANSCENDENT, the old songs just wouldn’t work for me, and so in the quiet times, when reading the Word, meditating, or simply praying, I’d reach for the guitar, and I would strum a tune that reflected the mood I was in; then came a chord progression, then the words. Sometimes in 30 minutes, 60 minutes, an hour or two, whatever; the song would be written, and recorded on an old tape recorder. In that way, I’d have my memory jogger handy in case I forgot the tune, chords, over the ensuing days. Interestingly, many of the songs would be written and performed before a live audience the very day they were written. And, if I had a studio appointment that day, the studio tech and I would have it tracked and mastered that very day. The songs come is spurts—when the mood strikes. To date, I’ve completed about 100 gospel songs, and all are worth recording and sharing with the world. To date I have completed five cds, resulting in 48 songs being recorded and musically scored. (I will be more than happy to provide you copies of my four other CDs.)

My music is a transcription of where I have been, where I am and where I expect to be. The order the CDs were produced is the progression in learning of the love and grace in Christ that I desire to share with all who will listen. I have worked with some clarity of mind to make the music true to God’s evangel of grace in the Person of His Son. The music is not gratuitous. What I mean by that is that I do not write music to simply praise God, but to give reason for why He is deserving of our praise and love. 

The music is fundamentally about where I am today, at this moment in time, in my relationship with the Heavenly Father. In the CDs, I simply desire to share a little about His love that is transcendent, and thereby provide a degree of comfort and peace for all who hear it, but especially for those who are burdened by life’s issues, and maybe somewhat fearful about the future. My message is; “Peace, brother or sister; God has it all figured out, and all of us (including you) are in His loving hands.”

Finally, I am also a published author; having published “The Dust of Old Dole Road”, a autobiographical sketch of my childhood growing up in the small timber town of Myrtle Creek, Oregon in the 1950’s. It’s all about overcoming hardships, and the refusal of a young youth to not let the pain of poverty, and life in general, be excuses for not doing and succeeding. 

In Him,

Dan Oliver

My music and book can be purchased by having listeners order direct from me. I prefer they contact me by email: dan.oliver@comcast.net, or they can text me at Four-Five-Eight, Eight O 2 - Nine Six One Six. 

CDs are $10.00 each, or three for $25, or all five for $40.00 (plus $3.00 shipping and handling). 

The book is $20.00 for soft cover and $25.00 for hard cover (plus $5.00 shipping and handling) 

Just Him - Christ the Son of God's Love (2005)
Fellowship In Him - Christ the Reconciliation (2007)
Complete in Him (Christ - The Alpha and the Omega (2007)
Love Transcendent (2010)
Divine Alchemy - Made Anew in Christ (2013)

The Dust of Old Dole Road (2011)
Dan Oliver - The Dust of Old Dole Road
Dan Oliver - Music Albums (CD's)
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